Category: Works
Beyond Silence
This series of photographs was conceived after two stays in the towns of Sendai and Higashi-Matsushima, both in the region covered by the disaster area after the tsunami in Japan. They date back to October 2011, six months after the catastrophe. The atmosphere was harrowing, though less chaotic than in the images published by the…
The Story the French Taught Me
The French taught me a story about the ginkgo biloba. When they look at that tree, it reminds them of a story, about how it survived the atomic bomb of Hiroshima. It now exists all around the world. Since the Second World War, seventy years ago, time has passed. But, the presence of this tree…
Before it happens
After the accident of Chernobyl in 1986, a similar tragedy occurred in Fukushima in 2011. History repeats itself. At the time, I was only a Japanese at my art university in a small town of Southern France. People asked me many questions about this. I needed to answer as a Japanese. As time passed by,…
400 years ago
video, 1’13, Full HD 2020 Kyoko Kasuya discovered an anecdote about a Spanish surname, Japón. There are around 300-400 people with this name in Spain today. Kyoko Kasuya researched the subject. 400 years ago, some Japanese traveled to this country and a few people stayed. This is the origin of the family name. This point…